PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk (“Lippo Karawaci”) was founded on a vision to impact lives through the development of well-planned sustainable independent townships within green environments and first class physical and social infrastructure. Over more than a decade, the Company has proven itself as a highly trusted property developer with the most recognizable brand name, owner of the largest diversified landbank and pioneering projects in strategic locations throughout Indonesia. Through a merger of 8 property related companies in 2004 the Company has expanded its business portfolio to encompass urban development, large scale integrated developments, retail malls, healthcare, hotels and leisure, as well as a fee-based income portfolio.
Kualifikasi Jabatan
MASUKAN LAMARAN KE Bidan - Makassar PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk KLIK DISINI
Bidan - Makassar
- Melaksanakan asuhan kebidanan kepada ibu hamil.
- Melakukan asuhan persalinan fisiologis kepada ibu bersalin.
- Menyelenggarakan pelayanan terhadap bayi baru lahir.
- Memberikan edukasi melalui penyuluhan kesehatan reproduksi dan kebidanan.
Kualifikasi Jabatan
- Memiliki pendidikan minimal D3/S1 Bidan.
- Memiliki STR Kebidanan yang masih berlaku.
- Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai bidan minimal 1 tahun (lulusan baru dipersilahkan melamar).
- Memiliki tanggung jawab dan komunikasi yang baik.
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Siloam Hospitals Makassar.
MASUKAN LAMARAN KE Bidan - Makassar PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk KLIK DISINI
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