Membantu dokter dalam pemeriksaan kesehatan pekerja
Memelihara fasilitas kesehatan perusahaan
Membantu dalam penilaian keadaan kesehatan pekerja
Pengawasan terhadap lingkungan pekerja
Persyaratan :
Pendidikan minimal S1 Keperawatan
Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai perawat klinik / perusahaan
Mampu bekerja mandiri ataupun kerjasaman dalam team
Teliti, bertanggung jawab jujur dan loyal
Memiliki Ijazah Hiperkes dan BTCLS lebih diutamakan
Bersedia ditempatkan di Sukabumi-Ciawi
Rawa Sumur 2, Jatinegara, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia
Enesis Group was founded is Jakarta, Indonesia in 1988 as a limited company based in Pulo Gadung Industrial Estate, East of Jakarta.
The group began its production line manufacturing Sari Puspa/SOFFELL, a mosquito repellent lotion develop through several in-depth marketing and product researches. Sari Puspa/SOFFELL, an innovative product within its category, quickly proved to be a success in the highly competitive mosquito repellent market against multinationals companies like: Bayer, Johnson & Son, Unilever and other local giants. Controlling over 95 % markets share, SOFFELL then successfully developed the critical mass to become the biggest mosquito repellent outside the United States of America.
Informasi lengkap Perawat Klinik (Ciawi - Sukabumi) PT Marketama Indah silahkan klik disini
Memiliki Ijazah Hiperkes dan BTCLS lebih diutamakan
Bersedia ditempatkan di Sukabumi-Ciawi
Rawa Sumur 2, Jatinegara, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia
Enesis Group was founded is Jakarta, Indonesia in 1988 as a limited company based in Pulo Gadung Industrial Estate, East of Jakarta.
The group began its production line manufacturing Sari Puspa/SOFFELL, a mosquito repellent lotion develop through several in-depth marketing and product researches. Sari Puspa/SOFFELL, an innovative product within its category, quickly proved to be a success in the highly competitive mosquito repellent market against multinationals companies like: Bayer, Johnson & Son, Unilever and other local giants. Controlling over 95 % markets share, SOFFELL then successfully developed the critical mass to become the biggest mosquito repellent outside the United States of America.
Informasi lengkap Perawat Klinik (Ciawi - Sukabumi) PT Marketama Indah silahkan klik disini