Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Juli 2013

Two decades after its birth, Bank Muamalat now provides services to over 2.5 million customers through a network of over 3000 outlets spread across all 33 provinces in Indonesia. The network is also supported by an alliance through more than 4000 online post office/SOPP, 32.000 ATM, as well as over 100.000 debit merchant across the country.

Bank Muamalat is also the first and the only Indonesian bank running a full branch in Malaysia. At the moment we are seeking for the best candidate to join in our company as:

Operation Manager

Jakarta Raya

Melakukan Business Impact Analysis
Merumuskan strategi operasional pada critical business function
Melakukan implementasi strategi operasional
Mengkoordinasikan proses ujicoba situasi darurat pada critical business function
Melakukan monitoring dan review

Usia max 37 tahun
Pendidikan minimum S1 dengan IPK 2.75
Pengalaman di operational perbankan minimal 5 tahun sebagai Operational Manager
Berbahasa Inggris aktif
Memiliki Sertifikat Business Continuity Institute atau sejenisnya

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Tag : Bank, Jakarta


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