Bank Danamon Indonesia as one of the leading bank in Indonesia is currently searching for a highly qualified professional with proven track record of achievements to take on this challenging role to sustain and prolong its competitive position in the market as:
Relationship Officer Program - Small Medium Enterprise
Jakarta RayaResponsibilities:
As a Trainee, you will be required to undergo an extensive and enhance in-class and out-class training to become Relationship Officer (RO). As RO, you are not solely concerned with bringing in new customers but also maintaining existing customers. You will ensure the delivery revenue, both funding and lending assigned monthly and annually with supporting from Business Manager as your mentor.
The Job Description Comprises:
Conducting penetration and cross selling activities to achieve credit and liabilities portfolio target for SME segment
Maintaining good relationship with customer for SME segment
Monitors SME portfolio quality
Provide suggestions to Business Manager to minimize risk
Preparing and ensuring accuracy of reports
Bachelor degree, preferably from the following major; Economics, Management and Marketing. Those who are coming from Engineering, Agribusiness and Communication are also welcomed
Demonstrates good command of English, both verbal and written
Having a deep and sharp analytical aptitude toward business
Keen to be flexible and mobile
Displays a fine networking ability to enhance business growth
GPA min 2.75
Age not more than 27 years old
Pendidikan minimal D3
Usia maksimal 35 tahun
Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Sales /Marketing di Perbankan / Asuransi / Kartu Kredit.
Berorientasi pada target, ulet dan bersedia bekerja di luar kantor
Penampilan rapi dan menarik
Memiliki sepeda motor dan SIM
Bertanggung jawab terhadap pencapaian target pemasaran dan penjualan produk Syariah (Gadai, Funding dan Pembiayaan Kepemilikan Emas)
Mengkoordinir Relationship Officer dalam melakukan pemasaran dan penjualan
Pendidikan minimal S1 dari berbagai jurusan
Usia maksimal 40 tahun
Memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun sebagai Sales / Marketing di Perbankan / Asuransi / Kartu Kredit , termasuk selama 1 tahun sebagai supervisor
Berorientasi pada target, ulet dan memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan
The position is opened for Fresh Graduates, however to best fit; you may present a minimum of one year experience in marketing, with proven track record of results deliverance.
This is an URGENT REQUIREMENT. For confidentially and priority attention on your application, we invite you to submit your comprehensive resume to the address stated below
4th floor, Bank Danamon Indonesia Matraman Building
Jl. Matraman Raya No. 52, Jakarta 13150
Attention : Intan Sari
or you can submit your CV by visit our website http://www.danamon.co.id/karir/aspx
GPA min 2.75
Age not more than 27 years old
Relationship Officer - Solusi Emas Syariah - PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk
ResponsibilitiesMelakukan pemasaran dan penjualan produk Syariah (Gadai, Funding dan Pembiayaan Kepemilikan Emas)
RequirementsPendidikan minimal D3
Usia maksimal 35 tahun
Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Sales /Marketing di Perbankan / Asuransi / Kartu Kredit.
Berorientasi pada target, ulet dan bersedia bekerja di luar kantor
Penampilan rapi dan menarik
Memiliki sepeda motor dan SIM
Relationship Manager - Solusi Emas Syariah - PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk
Responsibilities:Bertanggung jawab terhadap pencapaian target pemasaran dan penjualan produk Syariah (Gadai, Funding dan Pembiayaan Kepemilikan Emas)
Mengkoordinir Relationship Officer dalam melakukan pemasaran dan penjualan
Pendidikan minimal S1 dari berbagai jurusan
Usia maksimal 40 tahun
Memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun sebagai Sales / Marketing di Perbankan / Asuransi / Kartu Kredit , termasuk selama 1 tahun sebagai supervisor
Berorientasi pada target, ulet dan memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan
The position is opened for Fresh Graduates, however to best fit; you may present a minimum of one year experience in marketing, with proven track record of results deliverance.
This is an URGENT REQUIREMENT. For confidentially and priority attention on your application, we invite you to submit your comprehensive resume to the address stated below
4th floor, Bank Danamon Indonesia Matraman Building
Jl. Matraman Raya No. 52, Jakarta 13150
Attention : Intan Sari
or you can submit your CV by visit our website http://www.danamon.co.id/karir/aspx