Lowongan Kerja U-Residence Supermal Karawaci April 2014

Collection Staff (Mall)

Job Description

To help A/R Mall Deputy Manager in processing A/R and minimalizing arrears of payment; also maintaining good relationship with tenants so that A/R collection can run smoothly.

Ensure all bills can be collected in the current period
Calculate and input payments received including withholding tax withheld by the tenant.
Monitoring the payment due date for each invoice.

Collection through correspondence and by phone.
Send a warning letter 1, 2 and 3 to the tenant based on the the rules.
Examine and give "Document Receipt" to the tenant.
Monitoring the administration official letters and other documents related to A/R.

Maximum 35 years old
Experience as Collection Staff for 2 years
Minimum Bachelor Degree in Management or Accounting
Able to work effectively in a team environment
Capable of MS Office (Word, Excel, Pwer Point) and Outlook
Fluent in English, verbal and written communication
Applicants must be willing to work in Karawaci.
Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s.
Full-Time position(s) available.

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Tag : Banten, Karawaci


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