Lowongan Kerja PT Otto Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Terbaru 2015

PT OTTO Pharmaceutical Industries is a subsidiary of Mensa Group. PT. OTTO Pharmaceutical Industries itself is a manufacturing company engaged in the pharmaceutical field to produce a wide range of quality medicines in the hope of providing services to people around the world.
PT OTTO Pharmaceutical Industries stood in Bandung, West Java, on 8 April 1963. Ownership PT OTTO Pharmaceutical Industries then began to be taken over by Mensa Group, in a short period of re-organization occurs as improved management of the company’s accounting system and make additions to plant production facility in 1981. From then did PT OTTO Pharmaceutical Industries develops, manufactures terms of human resources. Along with growing confidence gained from the public are also medical doctors for the quality of products produced by PT OTTO Pharmaceutical Industries, Otto then get an opportunity to increase market share and sales.
PT OTTO Pharmaceutical Industries went on to become one of the many pioneering company engaged in the pharmaceutical industry in the country of Indonesia to obtain GMP certification in 1991. Then in June 2005, PT OTTO Pharmaceutical managed to get certified for ISO 9001:2000 (ISO international) obtained from RWTUV GmbH Germany.

With the support of a multinational company such as Swiss-DSM Nutritional Products (formerly Roche Vitamins), PT OTTO Pharmaceutical Industries had issued a particularly innovative product for osteoporosis using HIBONE brand in 2006.
In order to meet the standards provided by cGMP as well as to be able to produce products that conform to international standards, the PT OTTO Pharmaceutical Industries has plans to undertake the construction of a new plant. Along with the increased demand for injectable Cephalosporin products, then a new plant is planned to be started to be built separately in order to accommodate this and cephalosporin products around the beginning of 2007.

Kepala Seksi Gudang Bahan Baku
PT Otto Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd


Pendidikan min D3 kimia/ farmasi
Memiliki pengalaman bekerja di industri farmasi terutama di bagian logistik ataupun produksi
Menguasai sistim penimbangan pabrik farmasi dan CPOB
Menguasai pengadaan dan pengendalian bahan baku di industri farmasi

Uraian tugas secara umum
Merencanakan, melaksanakan, dan mengendalikan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan penerimaan, penyimpanan, penimbangan, dan penyerahan bahan baku sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku

PT Otto Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd


Pendidikan s1 Ekonomi menejemen / akuntansi
Ipk min 3.00
Mampu bekerja dengan teliti d
Mampu bekerjasama didalam tim

Uraian tugas secara umum
Bertanggung jawab atas pencatatan persediaan perusahaan secara tertib dan akurat serta melakukan perhitungan fisik secara periodik.

Info lengkap disini

Tag : Bandung


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