PT Maju Guna Jaya Lestari Becoming part of MG team could be YOUR DREAM JOB for your professional career No limit in income and learning, borderless opportunity and personal growth. MG is offering a unique opportunity and challenge to everyone with experience in every related background and anyone wanting to make a difference in their world.

Graphic Design (Product, Creative, Web Programmer)
Bekasi (Jawa Barat)
Lulusan SMA/D3/S1
Pria/wanita , Single
Usia max 27 tahun
Berintergrasi tinggi, jujur, loyal, setia
Suka tantangan, ulet, pantang menyerah, energic
Senang bertemu orang, komunikatif, berjiwa muda
Then you might be the ONE we are looking for as MG team if this is who you are and what you want submit your application with recent photograph to :
Jl. Mohammad Yamin No. 8 KM, 1,5 Bekasi 17111
or email :

Graphic Design (Product, Creative, Web Programmer)
Bekasi (Jawa Barat)
Lulusan SMA/D3/S1
Pria/wanita , Single
Usia max 27 tahun
Berintergrasi tinggi, jujur, loyal, setia
Suka tantangan, ulet, pantang menyerah, energic
Senang bertemu orang, komunikatif, berjiwa muda
Then you might be the ONE we are looking for as MG team if this is who you are and what you want submit your application with recent photograph to :
Jl. Mohammad Yamin No. 8 KM, 1,5 Bekasi 17111
or email :
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