Lowongan Kerja Bank OCBC NISP Oktober 2013

Senior Business Analyst Officer

(Jakarta Raya)

Provide superior analysis to operation department for any initiatives related to information system and technology
Ensure the project quality and minimize project risk with the participation on test plan and test run
Acting as person in charge in building relationship between information system development and business department
Working together with other department for deliver quick solution on any BAU issues

Having experience at least 2 years as a IT Business Analyst, IT System Analyst, IT Project Manager

Understanding of banking knowledge and process
Understanding on the system development life cycle
Able to work as a team

Recruitment Internship (Magang)


Lulusan S1 Psikologi/Manajemen HRD atau sedang dalam proses penyusunan
skripsi (semester akhir)
Bisa mengadministrasikan alat tes psikologi
Teliti, tekun serta terbiasa bekerja secara berkala
Bisa bekerja dalam team
Memiliki integritas dan motivasi untuk maju dan belajar hal-hal baru
Mampu bekerja dengan target waktu dan hasil yang ditentukan
Mampu mengoperasikan MS Excel
Waktu magang: 3 - 6 bulan

Teller Beasiswa

(Jakarta Raya - JABOTABEK)

Lulusan Diploma 3 (semua jurusan)
Usia maksimal 23 tahun
Memiliki integritas, teliti, berjiwa melayani serta memiliki kemauan untuk belajar
Berpenampilan menarik dengan tinggi badan minimal 157 cm
Penempatan : jabotabek

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Tag : Bank, Jakarta


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