Lowongan kerja Holcim Indonesia November 2013

Holcim is a pioneer and an innovator in Indonesia's fast-developing cement sector, as the market for homes, commercial buildings and infrastructure expands. We are the only provider of a fully integrated range of 10 cement types, concrete and aggregates.

We are building a unique franchise, Solusi Rumah, to deliver complete, affordable housing solutions and upgrades, drawing on the skills of over 11,500 Holcim-trained masons, 399 franchisees as of mid-2011 and a growing telesales presence.

Project Liaison Team LeaderJakarta Raya
Quarry Operation LeaderCilegon (Banten) - Ciwandan
Batching Plant Team LeaderBali - Tanjung Sari
BatcherJawa Timur, Semarang (Jawa Tengah), ...
Concrete Sales Representative Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
Loyalty Program Support OfficerJakarta Raya
SpeedCrete Sales EngineerSurabaya (Jawa Timur)
CCE System & Process SpecialistJakarta Raya - Head Office – Cilandak
BatcherJakarta Raya, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, ...
HR OfficerJakarta Raya - Head Office
Tag : Jakarta


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