Lowongan Kerja PT Neo Insan International Juni 2013

PT Neo Insan International Mengimbangi era globalisasi, informasi, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang maju, dibutuhkan sumber daya manusia (human capital) yang berkualitas baik dalam hal integritas, kepribadian maupun pengembangan profesionalisme dan kompetensi yang sesuai dengan bidang kerjanya.

Untuk hal itulah Power Character hadir guna mempersiapkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang maksimal dan produktif dalam hasil karyanya, melalui pelatihan, konsultasi, assessment, mentoring dan konseling.

Power Character merupakan sebuah perusahaan konsultan dan training yang berfokus pada 'pembudayaan karakter unggul' di setiap bagian penting perusahaan, untuk menjaga kesuksesan bisnis dan bertahan lama.

Power Character yang bekerja sama dengan beberapa perusahaan besar membutuhkan :

Staff Admin

Jakarta Raya - Kelapa Gading

Wanita, Maksimal 28 tahun
Pendidikan minimal SMU/D3
Pengalaman selama 1-2 tahun sebagai staff admin. Lulusan baru dipersilahkan untuk melamar.
Menguasai Ms. Office (Word, Excel, PPT)
Teliti, mudah belajar, cepat bekerja
Diutamakan yang berdomisili di daerah Jakarta Utara
Bersedia bekerja di daerah Kelapa Gading.

Site Manager

Jakarta Raya - Kelapa Gading

Age max. 40 years old.
S1 Degree or equivalent work experience is preferred.
Have minimum 3 years of experience as Site Manager.
Strong interpersonal skill.
Demonstrated good written/oral communication skills.
Strong command of English is a plus.
Computer literate (Ms. Office Application).
Able to work with team and independently.

Project Manager

Jakarta Raya - Kelapa Gading

Age max. 35 years old.
S1 Degree or equivalent work experience is preferred.
Have minimun 5 years of experience as Project Manager
Strong interpersonal skill.
Demonstrated good written and oral communication skills.
Strong command of English is a plus.
Computer literate (Ms. Office Application).
Able to work with team and independently.

Sales Engineer Executive

Jakarta Raya

28-35 years old.
D3/S1 from reputable university in Engineering.
At least 3 years sales experience.
Must have experience selling packaging equipment.
Has networking in pharmaceutical and food&beverage company.
Strong command of English (written and spoken) is a must.

Good communication and strong presentation skills.
Self motivated and outgoing personality.
Must be proactive and able to work unsupervised and a team player.
Willing to travel and possess own transport.
Salary package negotiable depending on experience.

Sales Supervisor (Building Material)

Jakarta Raya

Max 30 years old.
D3/S1 from reputable institution in engineering or architect with minimal GPA 3.0.
Have minimum 3 years experiences in construction industry and the independent builder industry.
Having wide networking with contruction and building consultants or companies.
Having good communication and persuasive skill.
Having good presentation skill.
High integrity, honestly, and trustworthy.
Able to work with team and independently
Strong command in English is an advantage.
Having own transportation.

Training Coordinator

Jakarta Raya

22-30 years old.
D3/S1 in any major.
Have minimum 1 years experiences in training and development.
Willingness to travel.
High integrity, honesty, and trustworthy.
Able to work with team and independently.
Strong command of English is a plus.
Computer literate (Ms. Office Application).
Candidate must be willing to work in Kelapa Gading

Credit Administration Staff

Jakarta Raya

Max 35 years old.
D3/S1 from reputable university in law.
Have minimum 2 years experiences in similar position.
Has interest work in the civil law
High integrity, honesty, and trustworthy.
Able to work with team and independently.
Strong command of English is an advantage
Preferred who resides in an area of Bekasi.

Account Officer Staff

Jakarta Raya

Max 35 years old.
SMA/D3/S1 from reputable university in any major.
Have minimum 1 years experiences in marketing.
Having wide social networking.
Have own transportation.
Having good communication and persuasive skill.
High integrity, honesty, and trustworthy.
Able to work with team and independently.
Strong command of English is an advantage.
Preferred who resides in an area of Bekasi.

HRD Staff

Jakarta Raya

Age maximum 30 years old.
D3/S1 graduate Psychology.
Minimal have 2 year experience.
Having knowledge in psychologycal testing and recruitment
Strong interpersonal skill.
Strong command of English is a plus.
Computer literate (Ms. Office Application).
Able to work with team and independently.
High integrity, honesty, and trustworthy
Candidate must be willing to work at Jl. Blandongan, West Jakarta.

Silahlan kirim CV lamaran kerja anda ke alamat : Komplek Gading Bukit Indah Blok J - 23 Jl Bukit Gading Raya Jakarta 14240
Tag : Jakarta


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